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Visual Basic Form  |  1992-11-18  |  819b  |  29 lines

  1. Form1
  2. Kill DLL
  3. Form1,
  4. Label1
  5. DLL Filename to unload
  6. Text1
  7. Command1
  8. Dump DLL
  9. Command1_Click
  10. dHndl
  11. GetModuleUsage)
  12. DoWhile
  13. FreeLibrary
  14. enddo
  15. LoadLibrary
  16. text1
  17. pStr3
  18. Form_Click
  19.     Form_Load
  20. Form_MouseUp
  21. Button
  22. Shift
  23. Form_Unload
  24. Cancel
  25. Intege
  26. Command1_Click
  27. DLL Dumped
  28. Form_Load